Is there a clear research question, with a solid motivation behind it?
Is the research question interesting?
After reading the introduction, did you find yourself motivated to read further?
Does the submission contain a well-developed and articulated theoretical framework?
Are the core concepts of the submission clearly defined?
Is the logic behind the hypotheses persuasive?
Is extant literature appropriately reflected in the submission, or are critical references missing?
Do the hypotheses or propositions logically flow from the theory?
★Method (for empirical papers)
Are the sample and variables appropriate for the hypotheses?
Is the data collection method consistent with the analytical technique(s) applied?
Does the study have internal and external validity?
Are the analytical techniques appropriate for the theory and research questions and were they applied appropriately.
★Results (for empirical papers)
Are the results reported in an understandable way?
Are there alternative explanations for the results, and if so, are these adequately controlled for in the analyses?
Does the submission make a value-added contribution to existing research?
Does the submission stimulate thought or debate?
Do the authors discuss the implications of the work for the scientific and practice community?